HyTest Cardiac Marker Production
Continuous investments in R&D
Continuous investments in R&D ensure a constant flow of new, even better reagents for the customers. That’s why most of the major diagnostic companies rely on HyTest’s ability to supply the best reagents in the world.
Customer support and user data
To make customers life easier, HyTest provides a comprehensive customer support and user data service for both industrial and research applications. Information is also available at HyTest’s web site as well as in the special brochures. HyTest’s TechNotes offer more information about the products and their applications.
HyTest in China
In 2011 HyTest opened an office in Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Teck Park. This is only our initial step in expanding our operations in China and in future we will develop our operations even further in order to provide full portfolio of services in China.
You can visit HyTest China website here: www.hytestchina.com