PolyAn Microplates & Cell Culture Consumables
PolyAn Microplates & Cell Culture Consumables
PolyAn的反應性微孔板用於共價固定生物分子,其通過被動吸附無效塗覆。 PolyAn提供胺結合表面,為共價固定生物分子提供了一種方便的方法。 我們的產品組合還包括共價塗層的鏈黴抗生物素蛋白和Neutravidin塗層板,溶劑穩定的微孔板,由聚丙烯(PP)和3D疊氮化物功能化板組成,通過點擊化學進行生物正交耦合。
※Functionalized 96-well plates※
-Plates for Immunoassays
-Reactive Polypropylene plates
-Biotin binding plates
※Microplate surfaces※
-3D-Epoxy surface chemistry
-3D-NHS surface chemistry
-3D-Azide surface chemistry
-Streptavidin / Neutravidin Matrix
※Antifouling Surgaces※
-Increasing Wettability of Microfludics
※Seals and Chambers※
-CoverWell Incubation Chambers
-CoverWell Imaging Chambers
-SecureSeal Imaging Spacers
-Fastwells and Slilcone Isolators
※Tools for Cell Culture※
-CultureWell Chambered Coverglass
-CultureWell 16 Chambered Coverglass
-CultureWell Coverglass Inserts
-SecureSlop Cell Culture Coverglass
-MultiSlip Cell Culture Coverglass
-CultureWell Accessories
※Low fouling Cedex Sample Cups※